Thursday, May 08, 2008

Free reliable web hosting

Frequently asked questions about reliable web hosting

After contacting them we were told to buy ourselves a reseller hosting

but we didn’t want to do that as their prices were almost 3 times more

that they were with EartHoster. We already had lost 2 annual payments

as you can understand from above, for both accounts that disappeared

on us. So we wrote back and asked for refund as this was not what we

were looking for. They also had money back guarantee, or so we thought.

Instead of launching your hosting business to wait for traffic to convert into hosting clients, you can take a completely different approach. You can use ethical email marketing and compile a list of targeted possible hosting clients. You can even purchase such an email list from reputable companies. However this latter option needs to be handled with a lot of care because many list companies claiming to be reputable are actually the very opposite.

Let me apologize for not writing even once during more

than a month. I not only was too busy with solving countless

problems involving my sites, and domain names and whatnot,

but I had also some personal issues involving family matters.

Green Web Hosting

Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:16:02 +0000

We’ve had a few customers asking how ‘Green’ JaguarPC Web Hosting is or if we have plans on ‘going green‘.

It’s tough to answer exactly how green JaguarPC is but I can tell you this:

JaguarPC promotes recycling. Personally I will never throw away paper, aluminum, cardboard, plastic, etc. We use our recycling service faithfully.

Our data center ...]

Do link exchanges still help SEO?

Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:57:04 +0000

The companies have signed a definitive agreement for Hostopia to purchase customer assets including approximately 14,000 Domain Direct, NetIdentity and (IYD) customer accounts. The companies indicated that accounts involved in the transaction will continue to be served under the familiar Domain Direct brand, which will operate as a managed service by Hostopia.

Cartoons Are Ideal For Any Online Application

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:33:25 +0000
Webmaster and Cartoonist Dan Rosandich took his existing archive of cartoon panels and categorized them into a searchable database for content publishers.

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